Sunday, May 20, 2012

Obama Lying about the Supreme Court Striking Down Unconstitutional Law as "Unprecidented"

What is unprecidented is the Presidents attempt to intimidate and inject politics into a Supreme Court case. Obama is basically talking to the incredibly stupid and his leftist base that would use themselves as suicide bombers if they had the chance. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has challenged the Obama administration to show why the courts don't have the power to overturn Obamacare. CBS:"In the escalating battle between the administration and the judiciary, a federal appeals court apparently is calling the president's bluff -- ordering the Justice Department to answer by Thursday whether the Obama Administration believes that the courts have the right to strike down a federal law, according to a lawyer who was in the courtroom. The order, by a three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, appears to be in direct response to the president's comments yesterday about the Supreme Court's review of the health care law. Mr. Obama all but threw down the gauntlet with the justices, saying he was "confident" the Court would not "take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." Overturning a law of course would not be unprecedented -- since the Supreme Court since 1803 has asserted the power to strike down laws it interprets as unconstitutional. The three-judge appellate court appears to be asking the administration to admit that basic premise -- despite ...

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