Saturday, May 12, 2012

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Divorce & Family Law Menu Canada Divorce Advice Child Support Canada Child Custody in Canada Spousal Support (Alimony) Remarriage Family Law Procedure Divorce Mediation Marriage Annulment Joint Custody Divorce Statistics Dating After Divorce Extramarital Affairs DNA Paternity Testing Deciding on Divorce Property Divorce Laws Ontario Divorce Objectives Legal Separation Canada Wills Web Further Resources Prenuptial Agreements - Marriage contract and cohabitation agreement information. Uncontested Divorce - Obtain an uncontested divorce or a separation agreement. Common Law Separation - Resource for common law couples French Site - French language family law web site. Divorce Info Child Support Will I pay or receive child support? How much? For how long? And more. Child Custody Will I get child custody? How often will I see my children? And more. Spousal Support (Alimony) Will I pay or receive spousal support? How much? For how long? And more. Property Division How is my property divided when I divorce? And more. Divorce Costs and Timing How long will my divorce take, and how much will it cost? Divorce Procedure How the family court system works and how your divorce proceeds. Divorce Canada How do I get a divorce? Where do I apply for a divorce? And more. Divorce Mediation What is divorce mediation? How successful is divorce mediation? And more. Annulment What is an annulment, and on what grounds can I obtain one? Joint Custody What is joint custody ...

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