Monday, October 17, 2011

Rye City Hydrologist - not so independent after all

After almost 3 years of rejecting the public appeals of resident Bob Schubert to investigate the loss of waterflow to his wetlands, City of Rye Mayor Steve Otis finally under pressure outlines the parameters of the City's hiring of an independent hydrologist to investigate the loss. Otis is well aware that Schubert blames the City for permitting a neighbor to do upstream drainage work that caused the water to stop flowing thus turning the Schubert pond into a stink hole. Thus here the Mayor goes to great pains to emphisize the independence of the professional to be hired - up to and until it becomes evident that the City's lawyer has been the source of the hire. Ultimately it will become clear that this particular hydrologist has not only worked in Westchester County before but has in fact worked for the City of Rye before. "Independent?" Clearly questionable.

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