Thursday, April 12, 2012

5 PI Personal injury Attorney lawyer truck Car accident Stamford Hartford Waterbury Norwalk CT ELOC 860.560.7226 How will someone know if they should settle their case or take it to trial? You're going to have to do that collaboratively. (Transcribed from video Q&A interview with Attorney Paul Levin, CT Personal Injury (Attorney Paul Levin) You're going to have to do an analytical chart what are the benefits of settling it now, assuming you know what your range of settlement possibility is. And then you're going to havey our lawyer to look at verdicts and similar situations and tell you what you might be looking at if you go to trial. And then taking that into account you're going to have to say what's in your best interest now because you might be looking a one or two year delay if you should not take a settlement at acertain point and you'll have to be willing to live with that decision and the appeals and the necessary difficulties that are involved. It is not easy to go through a whole trial but it certainly rewarding some of the most satisfying outcomes, frankly, in my practice, my professional career, have been where people who really didn't want to go through a trial but they just didn't have a better alternative, they've done it and thereafter they've been able to put some of their kids through college or able reorient their lives and adapt their lives where they can actually enjoy it. Some of those people are actually my friends to this day, I mean we don't see each other regularly, whenever they need ...

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