Thursday, July 7, 2011

women in saudi arabia

This is real. Her name is Fawza Falih Muhammad Ali, she was in Quraiyat Prison. Fawza Falih was sentenced to execution. The court in Quraiyat, on April 2, 2006 (3/3/1427), sentenced her to death by beheading for the alleged crimes of ""witchcraft, recourse to jinn and slaughter of animals" [having sex with ghosts and animal sacrifice]. Fawza Falih was prevented from a defense at the "trial", and she was sentenced only on the basis of one man's testimony of allegedly causing him impotence (!). Denied access to her lawyer, a confession was extracted via 35 days of repeated beatings. The beatings were so severe she had to receive medical treatment. Fawza had to sign the offered confession by thumbprint due to her being illiterate. Although Fawza Falih has since recanted her confession, and no further evidence has come forth, the Court of Appeals on September 1, 2006, denied all appeals and upheld the decision to execute her anyway, in the name of "public interest". Examples of Ridiculous sort of "evidence" used against the accused. (remove spaces) www . turntoislam . com

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