Wednesday, May 4, 2011

work choices [contracts]found unfair[part 1]abc

the liberal betrayal of austrailian workers was exposed [under the newly formed oversight ;installed because of voter reaction] the workers in the new oversight [200] may be only casual, and a stop gap to shutdown debate prior to the still unanounced federal election, yet have found one quater of the latest crop of work contracts unfair the contracts written prior to the formation of this over sight commitee,[reportedly over one million, written prior to the formation of this needed comunity protection are by lawx to remain untested for fairity [in light of the expense of formal court appeals being the only legisl;ated [legal]appeal allowable under this draconian liberal excess ,this stop gap popularist [belated] balance ,clearly reveals those signed to work contracts , with minimal basic wage increase , but complete loss of long expected work bennifits prior to the new oversight to inmherantly have a large built in quality of disadvantage to those not covered by the new oversight note the clever distraction by peter costello ,that cuts the reporting even of this matter into two parts the liberal dirty tricks department is ever on the allert to subvert even the reporting [note also its release date , is on the equivelant to the big bowl playoffs,[the american sports event] the australian equivelent being the finals , where news and media as well as sports fans are not at all thinking of employment or fairity clever hoe hard and alberto costhello, the spin never ends how ...

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