Sunday, May 8, 2011

State And Municipal Debt: Tough Choices Ahead (Part 2 of 3)

State And Municipal Debt: Tough Choices Ahead (Part 2 of 3) - House Oversight Committee - 2011-04-14 - House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Witnesses: Panel I: The Honorable Scott Walker, Governor, State of Wisconsin; The Honorable Peter Shumlin, Governor, State of Vermont. Panel II: Dr. Andrew Biggs, Resident Scholar, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; Mr. Mark Mix, President, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation; Dr. Robert Novy-Marx, Professor of Finance, University of Rochester Simon Graduate School of Business; Dr. Desmond Lachman, Resident Scholar, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. Video provided by US House of Representatives.

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