In July of 2000, Ontario's Court of Appeal declared Canada's prohibition of marijuana to be "unconstitutional". If Parliament did not amend its law to allow for medical use within a year, marijuana possession for all Ontario residents would be legal. In May of 2003, an Ontario court ruled that there exists no valid law prohibiting the minor possession of marijuana because the federal government had failed to comply with the July 2000 order. Possessing and smoking marijuana in Ontario was legal. In June of 2003, Ontario's Court of Appeal declared that Ontario's exclusion of same-sex couples from the common law definition of "marriage" violated the constitution. In Ontario, same-sex couples could now enter into unions recognized as marriages. Some in the United States were upset by these developments. So, in July of 2003, Freedom Party's Paul mckeever was invited to Detroit to answer the question "Canada: Friend or Foe?"
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