The movie begins and ends as a spirit, known in the movie as Arthur (Greene) enters, and descends back into the world from the water. Then the movie shows an airplane carrying a passenger to an Indian reserve, where they're blockading construction/forestry equipment from clearcutting on Indian land. We later realize that the individual was a lawyer representing the tribe whose land is going to be clearcut and the protesters are angered at the lawyer losing the case & the lawyer came to discuss an appeals process. Wilf (Westerman) is introduced at this time & then he in turn introduces Arthur, who also kidnaps the logging company's general manager, and the four take off through the woods where Arthur "instructs" them in listening to Mother Earth. Surrealistic, in its entirety, throughout the movie you're taken for a ride that will take you through many thought provoking scenes. In particular where Wilf describes Washakeajack, the Indian trickster.
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