Sunday, March 21, 2010

Social Security Disability in Utah - What to Expect

If you are on Social Security Disability or SSI in Utah, you might want to know what you are against. Although Social Security is a federal program, there are differences in processing times by the state. Here we will discuss the typical Utah disability application, processing times and statistics.

Application and Initial Level

The application process in Utah is relatively simple. It can be done in person at the Social Security Administration, or you can startApplication process on toll Social Security number, 1 (800) 772-1213 or visit the website. There is also a Utah disability law firm, that the applicant goes through the process of application.

Once the disability or SSI application was submitted, it is about 3-5 months before a decision is taken. To increase your chances, try to file your disability have fully as possible. Those candidates who have submitted their medical records and have already given so many proofshow are available as full files have, and their cases can be processed faster.

Review Level

You do not be concerned if your claim is denied at the first level. In Utah, about 70% of disability applicants are denied at first. The next step is to submit your appeal for reconsideration - and within 60 days, or you have to start all over again!

The verification level is usually even harder than the first level - possibly up to 85%denied. Once again, ensure that your file is complete, so that your disability claim will be processed as quickly as possible (most of the demands Utah takes about 3-5 months at this level process). If you are unable to see a doctor immediately begin. Do not wait for Social Security, to make an appointment for you, because it wastes valuable time and can not help your claim.

Hearing Level

If you look at the review, which unfortunately are likely to enter, the hearing was denied levelthe best chance of success. This disability applicants who need to reach this point, represented a reasonable claim, and which may at the hearing have approved on a 60-70% chance. Those who can set legal representation accepted up to 85-90% chance.

Unfortunately, with the increased chance of success comes an increased wait. From the day you send your appeal to the day you receive your decision, the average waiting period is 18 months. Most disability applicants wait for aboutplanned to be a year only for the hearing. There's not much you can do about it except to make sure that you show up on the hearing date so that your claim is not postponed or rejected on that basis. If you have an urgent situation, you may be able to social security to the hearing date, to move up (see Social Security Disability or your attorney) for further information.

Appeals Council and Federal District Court

If your case at the hearing level is rejected, you canAppeal the decision at the national level. However, the wait is likely to last a very long time. Often, your case is remanded to the judge for another look, among others. This level, especially the Federal District Court, may take years to give a decision. It may be faster to process and start over again.

Wherever you are in the process of getting social security disability or SSI benefits in Utah, good luck.

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