Sunday, January 17, 2010

10 Social Security Disability Mistakes to Avoid in Virginia

1. YOU MUST BE FOR cease work disability after you. If you stop working because of a disability, then you need to apply. Social Security only gives you a chance to apply. Typically, these five (5) years, but if it take a gap in your work, it can be much shorter, as one (1) or two (2) years. This is often a problem with housewives who raise from the work force drop for a number of years to children.

2. There must be enough QUARTERS OF WORK. If youworked very little and Social Security says you do not have enough quarters, you must continue to work to win enough to qualify fourth.

3. Your disability must last more than twelve (12) months. If you have a serious injury, but you will recover within twelve 12) months (provided you are not going to qualify for Social Security disability. A prerequisite for social security is that you disable an impairment that you are for twelve (12) months, you can expectIt will turn off for twelve (12) months.

4. YOU MAY NOT more if you APPLY. If you think you can work part-time and qualify for Social Security disability, you are probably not going to win your case. Social Security considers automatically disqualified income in most cases. Disqualified in 2006, believes Social Security $ 860.00 per month as a major economic activity and automatically. So, if you work this amount, the part-time, you can not for people with disabilities.So, even working part-time shows, you have the chance to work.

5. SOCIAL SECURITY doctor will probably NOT you agree to be disabled. Suppose a social security number doctor will examine you and tell you are disabled is a common misconception. In most cases, the Social Security doctors rush people through like an assembly line. The test is often very volatile and can not be the investigator on the medical know-how to really understand your illness. In general, they give very little credence tosubjective complaints.

6. YOU FAIL TO FILE A timely appeal of a denial. Only about one third of applicants are granted in the original height. After a denial, you have 60 days to appeal. Your case can not be given additional consideration, if a complaint.

7. YOU FAIL TO GET medical treatment. Failure to obtain a uniform treatment for your disease is a common problem. Most of the social security judges will give little credence to a disease that you are not striving for treatment.So if you have a chronic pain complaint, you should at least an attempt, the pain through a pain clinic or a different approach to manage.

8. IS TO HAVE support your own doctor. Social Security rules give a lot of weight, and a written opinion by the plaintiff's own treating physician. To ask if you believe that you are disabled, you must first set your own doctor for his / her opinion.

9. IS TO see a specialist. It may be well and good to have aOpinion by your family doctor, but if you have an impairment that requires the opinion of a specialist, then you will see too. For example, a disease of the lungs may require a breath test, and the opinion of a lung specialist. A heart problem may require a stress test, and the opinion of a cardiologist.

10. SPECIALIST IS TO CONSULT A SOCIAL SECURITY. Social Security Law is a unique area of law. If you have a brain tumor, you would not see a family doctor you consult a specialist.Even for Social Security disability, you need a lawyer to see the experts in this field.

In summary, many of the above mentioned errors can be avoided if the applicant consults early with a lawyer is a specialist in Virginia Social Security Disability Law.

This can be considered an advertisement or advertising material under the rules of professional conduct for lawyers in Virginia. This note is intended for general information only. The informationpresented in this note should not be interpreted as formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer / client relationship.

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